Medallion No. 29


Event Commemorated

This medallion was issued to commemorate the centenary of Scouting.

In the first decade of the 20th century, Robert Baden‑Powell, the hero of Mafeking, was challenged to design a better training program for boys.  In order to try out his ideas, he held an experimental camp in August 1907; he then wrote up his ideas and published them as Scouting for Boys in booklet form in six fortnightly parts starting in January 1908.

Even before all six parts were published, boys began forming their own Scout Patrols, and then Scout Troops, and persuaded adults to become Scoutmasters.  This happened not only in Great Britain, but also in other countries.  The first Scout Troops in Australia were formed in early 1908.  Since then, Scouting has spread to almost every country in the world.  Scouting is believed to be the only youth organisation that was founded by the youth themselves.

In Australia, there are now five youth sections which are open to both males and females – Joey Scouts (age 6 – 7½), Cub Scouts (age 7½ – 10½), Scouts (age 10½ – 14½), Venturer Scouts (age 14½ – 17½), and Rovers (age 17½ – 26).

To commemorate the Centenary of Scouting, the Australian Federal Government designated 2008 as the Year of the Scout.


This 51 mm diameter medallion was designed by Terry Pepperell and struck by George Friml at Ivanhoe (a suburb of Melbourne) in the following metals:

¨                  Florentine bronze                       (30 pieces)

¨                  Antiqued Copper                       (30 pieces)

¨                  Gilt bronze                                   (30 pieces)

¨                  Sterling silver                              (11 pieces)

These medallions were issued unnumbered.

The obverse design features the badge of the Numismatic Association of Victoria (featuring the Port Phillip Kangaroo Office gold pattern of 1853).

The reverse design features Scouts camping and hiking in the Australian bush with a compass, watch, notebook, and pencil in foreground and the legend “1908 COMMEMORATING THE CENTENARY OF SCOUTING IN AUSTRALIA 2008” in six lines.

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