Members of Victorian Numismatic societies should be receiving their latest copy of the Victorian Numismatic Journal (VNJ) over the next week or so. This edition come in at over 80 pages, and for the first time is in full colour.

The cover image, courtesy of Museums Victoria, is of the Australian Association for the Advancement of Science’s Ferdinand von Mueller Medal. This relates to an article exploring the numismatic history of the Royal Society of Victoria, hosts of the forthcoming Numismatic Association of Australia Conference (NAAC2017). The medal was designed by Walter Baldwin Spencer and honours prominent German-Australian botanist Ferdinand von Mueller.
An extended print run means that attendees of NAAC2017 will receive a free copy while stocks last. The VNJ is published quarterly by the Numismatic Association of Victoria, supported by the Geelong Numismatic Society, Melbourne Numismatic Society, Morwell Numismatic Society and our advertisers. There are contributions from members of each of the supporting societies, which makes this issue a truly representative effort.